Spreewald Travelogue (4)
Here’s the translation, so Cat Typist doesn’t have to do my work again:
16.8. Rain in the morning (as expected)
“And everything is already tucked away! How clever we are.”
We have a fan club. “Are you twins?”
Also, we’re really motivated. “At least we have no midges.” – “Lovely to be all alone on the water!” – “And perfect weather to cover some distance!”
Self-service water locks are everywhere around here. Usually some kids play lock operators. But not today. And the lock doesn’t like us…
“Can you come help me?” – “Don’t worry, that’s how it’s supposed to be.”
You’ll have to deal with that cliffhanger… see you on Wednesday!
… oder man könnte einen Regentag im Zelt verbringen. Aber ich sehe schon, ihr habt euch gut durchmotiviert um bei diesem Ekelwetter ins Boot zu steigen! ;-)
Wär auch kein Spaß gewesen, die restlichen 70km in nur zwei Tagen zu fahren.
Thanks for making the good translations; I guess my job is to make the bad translations. :-)