Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: February, 2012

The rest is silence.

(Running) To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler on your feet to suffer
The pains and aches of your scrapes and blisters,
Or to take arms against a sea of ninnies
By visiting the cobbler’s.

Solution: What to do about running shoes that make your feet bleed

  • You try to reclaim them although you can’t find the bill anywhere.
  • Surprisingly, this works – because the shop seems to secretly keep all customer data forever.
  • The guys from the shop promise to phone you back “first thing tomorrow”; instead they keep your shoes for two and a half weeks.
  • After that you’re told that the shoes are completely irreparable and you might as well take them back home with you.
  • After three weeks I got part of the purchase price back. Well.
  • On the edge of despair I take my beloved shoes to the cobbler’s.
  • The master repairs them on the cheap within two days. I can scarcely put my gratitude into words. My beautiful shoes are back home! Yaaay!

Fur is trump

Winter. Still -15°C outside. I’m still on my bike. Why?

Tyre pressure is getting lower the longer I am going; the brakes are working after a considerable lag time and sound terribly on my frosted rims; the (front) derailleur only does what it wants (which is nothing at all, but at least the control cable is not torn… yet) and the wind is blowing through my fantastic new saddle.
Still, winter is great! And there is one killer argument: when you move fast enough you will sweat like a tiny hamster anyway! Hahahaha, won’t get that picture out of my head before spring…