Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: February, 2016

Tested For You: Yoga (1)

(Yoga) The equipment: mat, foam blocks, belt… cuddly blanket. “That’s my sport.” The lesson starts with trussing up ourselves and lying on a foam thingy. I’m a natural.

I am not too flexible but pretty calm anyway, so I didn’t really feel the need to add Yoga to my life. But by a… eh… misunderstanding I won finagled some Yoga lessons, okay, fine? I am really absolutely not flexible – but very good at relaxing.

Tested For You: Kayaking (3)

(Kayaking) Learning target: kayakers are hard… “We kayak all year long, except the river is frozen all over.” …picture-book Thuringians*. “And we have barbecues for lunch! When it’s freezing we put tin foil on our steaks so they don’t get icy on top while they’re roasted from below.” (*actually not from Thuringia)

That’s how it goes with courses that you book, full of vigour, at the height of summer, that then take place some days after the first snowfall… that’s how heroes are made :)

Tested For You: Kayaking (2)

(Kayaking) The bad news is: “One always flips over.” The good news is: it wasn’t me. — I a kayak, you sit rather uncomfortable. Afterwards you’ll be a little deformed. “My legs! I feel like an old woman!” – “Great! If you feel like an old woman then you did everything right.”

Another valuable lesson of the kayaking course: “spare clothes” means complete spare clothes. Right up to the undies. No matter whether you flip over or not, you’ll be completely wet in the end. (Plus, it seems to be advantageous to have bow legs and shoe size 34 – yes this is European and I leave the fun to you to convert this to weird British/American female or male sizes.)