Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: July, 2014

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

(Triathlon) Achievement unlocked: closed tri-suit zipper all by myself!!

That zipper nastily sits exactly at that spot on your back where you can’t scratch yourself…

There’s nothing else to compare

“Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.” – Mae West

My first time in an XTERRA race. It was… nice? The German report might contain more details.

Old age is no place for sissies

(Running) “Pretty steep, huh?” – “I have seen worse. For example last week, when I ran an ultra with my son. Sadly, my son had to give up. By the way, you wanna go a bit faster?” Lesson learned: running with a 70-year-old doesn’t mean you’ll be able to relax at all.

Did anyone notice I have not posted a cartoon for a month now? Hooray for Schlogger’s Comic Collabs that give me the necessary kick in the butt from time to time. Topic for July was “Seniorenklischees” (“senior stereotypes”) – and these guys also took part: Isla Volante / Rainer Unsinn / Handschuhfisch / Demotapecomix / Hexenwerke / Sachen gibt’s / Regenmonster / Team O / Olgfversum / Hillerkiller / börp. / Jo Lott / NiGuNeGu / Skizzenblog / Dramatized Depiction / TeMel / Sylvaroth / art’n’illus / Um die heiße Windel / fCartoons / Buddelfisch / Frau Stephan / Apfelhase / Blogrovic.