(Girl Talk) First, you make 12 tasty muffins. Take: 1 egg, 1/2 cup of rapeseed oil, 1 cup of sugar + 1 pack. of vanilla sugar, 200g sour cream, 1/2 cup of strong coffee (+some milk), 2 cups of flour + 1 pack. baking powder (Wayne: “Squeeze me!”), 4 tablespoons of cocoa and one bar of white chocolate (100g).
Make a mixture using the egg, oil, sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, baking powder, sour cream, coffee/milk and cocoa powder.
Break the white chocolate to small pieces, then fill the bottom of 12 muffin cups with the batter. Put some pieces of chocolate in every cup, then put the remains of the mixture on top.
Bake them for about 20 minutes at 180°C heat, then put them out of the oven. Relax. Let the scent tickle your nose. Reelax. Feel the Zen of staring at hot muffins. Reeelax. Oh, for God’s sake, try one! Then let the others cool down for about 5 minutes at least.
…finally, give them away!
PS: Just in case anyone wants to know, or (even better) anyone wants to give money to a great guy, in the picture above I am wearing this apron. Go get it while you can!
(Mädchenzeug) First, you make 12 tasty muffins. Take: 1 egg, 1/2 cup of rapeseed oil, 1 cup of sugar + 1 pack. of vanilla sugar, 200g sour cream, 1/2 cup of strong coffee (+some milk), 2 cups of flour + 1 pack. baking powder (Wayne: “Squeeze me!”), 4 tablespoons of cocoa and one bar of white chocolate (100g).
Aus Ei, Öl, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Mehl, Backpulver, saurer Sahne, Kaffee/Milch und Kakaopulver einen Teig rühren.
Die weiße Schokolade in kleine Stücke brechen, dann ein bisschen Teig auf den Boden der 12 Muffinförmchen geben. Einige Schokoladenstückchen in jede Muffinform packen, dann den übrigen Teig darüber streichen.
Das ganze ungefähr 20 Minuten bei 180°C backen, dann aus dem Ofen nehmen. Ruhig. Den Duft in der Nase kitzeln lassen. Ruuhig. In Zen-Versenkung auf die heißen Muffins starren. Ruuuhig. Ach, um Gottes Willen, probiert halt schonmal einen! Dann die anderen für mindestens 5 Minuten abkühlen lassen.
…finally, give them away!
PS: Falls es euch interessiert, oder (noch besser) ihr wunderbaren Menschen euer Geld geben wollt: im Bild oben trage ich diese Schürze. Holt sie euch, solang es noch geht!