Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: February, 2017

Glissé, Demi-Plié, Tombé

(Running) Only in icy conditions: combined course “long distance running and ballet”

Maybe the ice has been gone for a week and nobody finds this funny any more and perhaps I just wanted to draw some runners in Swan Lake tutus.

Blessed with a bucket of lucky mobility

(Biking) It’s not clever to set out to do an 80-km-ride on a stubborn ogre for the first tour in the year. (“Oh no, a mountain!”) But if you do it anyway it’s very important to have a freshly made cake waiting at home. (“Oh, did you also want some?”)

Meet the Artist

This is my extroversion course for beginners, so I picked some hashtag/meme thingy I found in the internet and decided I want in. That’s me! Obviously, I’m also not too much into colors.