Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

English Deutsch

Month: March, 2016

Tested For You: Influenza

Running in the rain – “No way, virus! You’re not welcome in here!” Icebathing – “Bugger off! Find yourself another body!!” 12-hour-swimming – “Overtime. Again…” – “No worries, I’ll help you.” – “Pretty stressful job with this body, huh? How about I treat you to a little holiday of, say, two weeks? And I’ll keep an eye on things while you’re gone…” (In bed with the flu:) “AAAAAaaargh.”

That’s how it goes: you’re just training for the marathon and suddenly you get the flu and now you’re proud not to get back to bed right after breakfast because it was so overly exhausting to eat a scone. An experience I could have well gone without, the more so as I am completely lacking exercise – the last time I was feverish I listened to fairy tale records in my bed…

The occasion for this oversize comic was, as usual, the Comic Collab, which my still slightly sick brain remembered a bit late (but still on time) – the topic was “Verrat” (treason) and was published by Schlogger. And here are the other traitors (mostly in German): Mic at Six / Badham / Skizzenblog / Rainer Unsinn / Isla Volante / BTW / Marvin Clifford / Online Comics / Dramatized Depiction / Regenmonster / Zweithirn / Buddelfisch / Schoolpeppers / Demystifikation / Catnips Flavour / Mal-Gries / Salzlolly.

Tested For You: Yoga (2)

(Yoga) Later we are allowed to truss up and hurt our partner. I’m not so very sure that this is Yoga after all. “On the pain scale we have now hit 7!”

I’m not making this up, you know!