Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

English Deutsch

Month: November, 2014

Duschen ist kein Heavy Metal

(Swimming) Putting on swimming caps with long hair… So this is the point when I should see a hairdresser / and this is right now

As usual, drawing something after the long break was triggered by Schlogger’s Comic Collab, this time all about hair. Other comics (mostly in German) at / Nadia Bader / Isla Volante / Rainer Unsinn / Svens Cartoons / Kritzelkomplex / Art’n’Illus / Team O / Comic Creator Conspiracy / Kales Sofakinder / NiGuNeGu / Eulalia the Oovl / Buddelfisch / Pepperworth / Katrin Felder / Marvin Clifford / Dramatized Depiction / Jules Tagebuch / Pandagoblog / Zeichnerstammtisch Heidelberg / börp. / Apfelhase / BTW / Gobopictures / Doodlebox / Hexenwerke.

The longer the walk the farther you baa

Scotland. No matter how far you walk, or how high you climb, a sheep has been there before.

I know that comes late but it’s better than nothing, isn’t it?