Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: June, 2014

Alle Jahre wieder

“Aber das ist eben das Gefährliche an der Euphorie. Du fühlst dich gut, aber du unterschätzt die Welt ein bisschen.” – Wolf Haas

(“But that’s the dangerous thing about euphoria. You feel good, but you underestimate the world a little bit.”)

Moritzburg. First triathlon of the year. As usual, the extended report is only available in German.

And now you do what they told ya

(Biking) Uphill on the mountie, all the time. Get on the wrong path… then run down the steep slope with the bike on your shoulder. Now is this triathlon training?

As usual, the middle of the month is Comic Collab time, created by Schlogger and this time all about “Feierabend” (“after work”) – please let me get away with my semi-suitable comic, actually my evenings look similar every other day. Better ideas can be found at: Isla Volante / Rainer Unsinn / Team O / BTW / Skizzenblog / Till Felix / Dramatized / Zeitgleich / Marvin Clifford / Um die heisse Windel / Pepperworth / Buddelfisch / Fel-O-Rama / Armer Armin / fCartoons / NiGuNeGu.

And I saw you coming and I heard not a thing

(Running) Things people say when I’m running – good: “Ooh, make way kids! There comes someone really fast!!” – not so good: “Why did you stop? See, our doggie is faster than you! You should follow his example!”