Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

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Month: March, 2014

These tyres are made for walking

(Biking) Tyre change in spring – before/after (ogre as convict and ballerina)

My Ogre mit Schwalbe Ice Spiker vs. Black Jack. The Ice Spiker is a fine tyre and when it’s really icy and wintry you’ll probably have a lot of fun with it… but when there’s basically no winter at all, like this year, it’s a pain in the butt.

Absence makes the waist grow chubby

“All this overindulgence has to stop! How about a little diet on our holiday?” – “NO.” (Cheese spaetzle, pancake soup, Schlutzkrapfen, Blutwurst-Gröstl mit Kraut, Topfenstrudel, bacon dumplings, Kaiserschmarrn, Sacher cake…)

There’s always a long To Do List on holidays in the Alps, and it’s not so much about the mountains…

Sooo, it’s comic collab time again. This time it was “Someone didn’t think”, which is lovely because almost every idea fits. Again, Schlogger started it all, other participants are: Martin Rathscheck / Illustrie / Kasterlkasper / Fledermaus Fürst Frederick Fon Flatter / Rainer Unsinn / Samics / Regenmonster / Blogrovic / JARoo / Escapism / Isla Volante / Tanja Lauch / Nadia Bader / BTW Comics / Apfelhase / Team O Comics / Dramatized Depiction / Marvin Clifford / Armer Armin / Des Schweinehunds Zähmung / Pepperworth.

Coming out of hibernation

Spring, spring! …and all the mudlarks sing… or something like that… so this is what happens when I’m just not planning anything at all:

(Oh yes of course, mountain bikers are the worst destroyers of our beautiful forest ways.)