Any day could be the last nice day for a long time.

English Deutsch

Month: March, 2012

Nose to the wind

(Swimming) “Blimey, I can’t dive any more. My bottom keeps popping up.” – “So you should probably release some air.” (Sorry, I thought that was funny.)

Dear audience, my fine humour is all used up. Here come the fart jokes.

From Dusk Till Yawn

(Running) I did not need my mp3-player today. Forest at dusk is sufficiently entertaining.

The early bird catches the croissants.

(Running) This was the first time I ran before breakfast… and even more than 10 kms. (“Hungry… hungry… hungry…”) But surprisingly, it works – if you have booked an All-you-can-eat breakfast buffet on that day. “This should do for first course.”

Just in case you’re interested, this is about the route I took: