And all the air is filled with pleasant noise of waters.

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Category: Something completely different


“So did the journey change anything for you?” – “Yeah… probably.” Flight there: “No thanks, just plain black tea please.” Flight back: “Three more sugars, please.”

The clever ones may guess now which magical land of milk, honey and general sweetness overload I’ve been to.

Woken up from the Xtreme Dream

Just in case you weren’t aware (I wasn’t until a friend told me yesterday), there has just been a (failed) attempt of a 61-year old woman to swim the 166 kms between Cuba and Florida. I was astonished at the headlines that all suggested that she already reached her goal although she only started on sunday evening… So, some googling later it seems like another dream has not come true. Just in case you’re interested, read details here.

Well, same time next year? Until then, let’s get back into the water. Rain or shine.

“Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer.” – André A. Jackson

Fine feathers make fine sparrows.

Last week I was a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding. Since everyone was so very keen to see me in a dress, here’s what it looked like… -in reality. -on all the photos. (Mom: “Your hair looks crappy! Let me blow-dry that mess!” Incredibly fat upper arms. “What, you’re already wearing a push-up bra?!” Am I wearing a bathing ring or what?!)

Don’t even ask: the photos are top secret…

By the way, I just spent a solid one and a half hour just to get some grey in this picture, and that’s because I have a fantastic new computer that can solve all my problems in half the time. Nobody mentioned my problems would quadruplicate on that thing