And all the air is filled with pleasant noise of waters.

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Tag: Tested For You

Tested For You: Kayaking (2)

(Kayaking) The bad news is: “One always flips over.” The good news is: it wasn’t me. — I a kayak, you sit rather uncomfortable. Afterwards you’ll be a little deformed. “My legs! I feel like an old woman!” – “Great! If you feel like an old woman then you did everything right.”

Another valuable lesson of the kayaking course: “spare clothes” means complete spare clothes. Right up to the undies. No matter whether you flip over or not, you’ll be completely wet in the end. (Plus, it seems to be advantageous to have bow legs and shoe size 34 – yes this is European and I leave the fun to you to convert this to weird British/American female or male sizes.)

Tested For You: Kayaking (1)

(Kayaking) “Welcome everybody! First we’ll try to just go straight. Some might get it even before lunch.” – “Ridiculous. I’m not paddling for the first time.” Before lunch: (wild loops) After lunch: (wild loops and curses)

Let’s see whether this is gonna be a series: I like to try lots of things (horray for Adventure Race!), and since this does not necessarily go according to plan it seems predestined for the blog. Part One will be my kayaking course from October. It’s taught me humility, if nothing else.